5 Ways to Start Fresh

Have you ever needed a do-over in life? Or looked back at a few decisions and thought, Man, I wish I had approached that situation differently? Regret can be a common theme if we ruminate over past actions (or inactions), but once we’ve sat with those feelings, how can we make the necessary adjustments not to make the same mistakes? How can we begin again? According to the experts, a new start begins within. So let’s walk through some steps we can take to start fresh!


Learn From the Old        

Because failure is the chance to begin again more intelligently. The best part about mistakes is the opportunity to learn and grow. Owning and analyzing our mistakes can be key in starting over. Think about your failures. Were they due to action or inaction? Is there a pattern or common thread you can discern from those mistakes? What would you change if you had a chance to do things differently? When you’ve assessed the situation from beginning to end, you can begin again – more intelligently.


Declutter. Declutter. Declutter.

And then, declutter some more! Don’t underestimate the power of clearing your physical space. And this doesn’t just apply to your home. Don’t be afraid to challenge any area of your life that could use a good cleaning. Out with old; in with the new! Old patterns, people, projects, and perspectives that no longer serve us must go. Sometimes, holding on to the old can keep us from receiving something better.



If you’re reading this, you’ve already started. New information finds us in a few ways, and one of the best ways is through reading. If you’ve had a desire to start over, read about it. It can be as simple as a Google search. How To Begin Again After a Bad Break or whatever you feel deeply in your spirit. Nothing can help us transform like knowledge. When we know better, we do better.


Adopt New Habits

One habit at a time. The key here is to start where you are and use what you have. If you want to lose weight, start with just one diet change, like maybe giving up sodas or sugary drinks. Or try working out just once for starters. Start slow and build momentum. Think about the person you want to become. What habits does she possess? Is she an avid reader, clean eater, workout enthusiast, or creative genius? Or is she a better friend, person, mother, or aunt? Whoever she is, think about what it would take to get there. Then walk in that direction, one step at a time.


Practice Gratitude

Simply put, be grateful for where you are while you work to where you want to be. If you despise your current job, try finding one thing about it you can appreciate. It will help you feel more positively while working on your exit plan. If you hate your current apartment, bless it with love! Don’t take those bad vibes to the search for your new place. Getting caught up in a cycle of negative thinking can be easy, especially when it seems that nothing is progressing as it should. But don’t forget to appreciate where you are. And seek the purpose in it. When you look back at the full picture, you’ll likely see how all the pieces were necessary for it to come together.


For more ways to start fresh, check out this great article! As always, Love & Hugs!