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Why Hugs?

Welcome to Hugs for Black Women! Because sometimes, you just need a hug! Whether it’s face-to-face or virtual, we all need a bit of encouragement and support along our journey. The black female experience – although unique and rewarding – can be challenging! It’s nice to know that there are spaces where we can be celebrated, empowered, and protected! The goal of is to provide that space and community online.

Words can’t fully express the warmth of a full embrace but oh, what a feeling! Science suggests that when we hug one another, chemical signals in our body are activated to reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness + pleasure. And aside from science, hugs just feel good. The kindness of their exchange gives us comfort and support. The tenderness of touch establishes that we are not alone. And the message at the core is one of safety and protection.

Hugging is a love language. So, if you love your sister, hug your sister – if your sister is ok with being hugged!

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