How to Trust Your Intuition

If you’ve ever had a gut feeling gently guiding you toward or away from a decision or activity, then you’re familiar with intuition. It’s the small voice of reason that suggests that we do or don’t do a particular thing. It’s not too loud, and it rarely insists. Instead, it arises and allows us to follow or opt-out. And more times than not, we find success if we listen and trouble if we don’t.

Yes, intuition is a very real thing. And scientists finally have the data to support its existence. Formally defined as a natural ability to know something without any proof or evidence, intuition can empower us to make choices that serve our highest good in all areas of life. In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet have credited their accomplishments to following their intuition. Oprah Winfrey put it this way, “I’ve trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life. And, the only time I’ve made mistakes is when I didn’t listen.”


So, how can we reacquaint ourselves with the voice in our gut? How do we drown out the sounds of reason, reports, analytics, and others and get in tune with our authentic selves? We thought you’d never ask…

Be still. Francis P. Cholle, author of The Intuitive Compass, provides a three-step method in this article. Step 3? Finding a solitary place. Allowing our emotions to flow freely is an imperative part of building our intuition, he argues. And nothing allows our emotions to flow like sitting with ourselves. If we quiet our surroundings and inner voice, we may find that our intuition has been waiting on us all along.

Ask and receive. If you’ve been reading our previous posts, you know the drill. Ask God for what you want and be ready to receive. And that isn’t limited to intuition. When you’ve encountered a situation requiring a decision, and you’re unsure which route to take, consult the Highest Source. Ask Him to impart His divine wisdom and guidance within you. James 4:2 – “…you have not, because you ask not.”

Listen. When our intuition speaks, we must listen, no matter how it’s expressed. If there’s a feeling in our gut, we should follow it. If there’s an overwhelming sense of peace when we make a decision, we can make a mental note. Whatever helps us reinforce the skill of listening. When we actively listen to our intuition, it’s easier to recognize the next time around.

When we’ve taken these steps, we can act on the guidance of our intuition. Over and over and over again, until it’s second nature. Want more ways to tap into your intuition? Read this article and share your stories of divine guidance with us below. Love and Hugs!