An Open Letter to The New Mom

Words by Nneamaka Nwankwo, B.S., Pharm D.

Becoming a new mom to my sweet baby girl is one of my greatest accomplishments. To think that I carried life for nine months and then pushed her out still amazes me. I made it through all the morning sickness, food aversions, and many other pregnancy symptoms. The changes we women go through to bring life into the world are truly miraculous. If I could write a letter to myself before becoming pregnant and having my baby, this is some advice I would give myself.

Dear new mom,

Your fears of becoming pregnant and going through labor and delivery are all valid. I mean, it’s something you have never experienced before, and the labor stories you’ve heard do not help. But I will say that you are stronger than you think, and you will be shocked at what your body can do. And it is true; you forget everything as soon as you meet your bundle of joy.

The real work is after you bring the baby home. I mean, sleep becomes a luxury. Your baby needs you the most at this stage. So, it is important to still take care of yourself to be fully present for your baby. Self-care is so important for your mental health. Whether that’s taking a shower or reading your favorite book in between baby naps, please make it a priority.


As I get closer to completing my maternity leave, I realize that I don’t want this time I have with my daughter to end. The challenge of leaving her and going back to work is something I am not looking forward to. But I am trying to cherish these precious moments as much as possible while I can.

Remember that you will not know everything, but it is ok to utilize the people around you. It is ok to ask for help! No one should pass judgment but just pray for them if they do. Always remember that you are doing your best for your baby, and that’s enough.


Since becoming a mother, I have experienced a love like no other. I am so grateful for my little blessing. And I will do everything in my power to give her the best life and let God handle the rest.



A new mom