Manifesting Now.

A wise woman once said, “I’m on a spiritual journey and still traveling first class.” And I felt this strongly in my spirit. A spiritual journey can bring you closer to clarity about your purpose, true self, and Higher Power. It can also help you re-center, reconnect, and remember what you’ve always known – you have the power to create the life you desire.

This truth is the basis of manifestation, a principle widely popularized by Rhonda Byrne’s 2006 best-selling book, The Secret. But even if you’ve never read the classic, chances are you’ve heard about the technique that’s proven to be able to transform your wildest dreams into reality. And if you haven’t, you’re in luck. Today’s text is all about how to Manifest Now.

Manifestation is the practice of focusing your thoughts and attention on the desires of your heart and putting forth the effort to bring those desires to pass. It’s a combination of positive thinking and guided action. It’s a process of cultivating the life you want. The origins of the approach are attributed to 19th-century spiritualist Phineas Quimby’s Law of Attraction, but in my humble opinion, Jesus did it first. (And don’t fight me for saying this because I know how you girls love to tussle.)

To the die-hard skeptic, it can be difficult to believe that you can bring something into existence just by thinking. I completely understand because I, too, agreed with that sentiment in my previous life as a pessimistic grouch – but that’s another story for another day. However, if you’re reading this and thinking you can’t manifest anything in life with just a thought, it’ll probably please you to know that you are (somewhat) correct. I say this because manifestation does require some effort. Yes, you must believe you can create what you desire, but you must also put in the work. Or, as Jesus’ brother James put it, “Faith without works is dead.”

When we are manifesting flawlessly, we have released all resistance, clearly set our intentions, and are acting in accordance with our new objective. If it’s love we’re after, we clear our rosters, write down the qualities we seek in a new mate, and put ourselves out there to attract what we desire. If it’s a new job, the process is more of the same: we clearly envision our new position, consult with our creator about our career change, and follow the steps necessary to make it appear: voilà, manifestation.

It really is that simple (or complex if you’re one of those glass-half-empty humans). And if you’re still in disbelief, read this list of success stories. After that, if you’re still not convinced, consider this – you have zero to lose by trying. Focusing your attention and thoughts toward creating the life you want costs nothing. You can think positively about your goals or negatively about them for free! So, if you’re up to it, give manifestation techniques a shot. Everything you want just might be on the other side.

Dive into this beginner’s guide to manifestation here and share your tried-and-true manifestation techniques with us below! I’m currently manifesting a date with my favorite ex. I’ll let you guys know how it turns out! Love and Hugs!