Opinion: Roe v. Wade Reversal Won’t Hit Like Y’all Thought

This is purely an opinion piece, so feel free to fight each other in the comments – notice I said each other because what I have to say is final AND ain’t nobody fighting me. One day this week, several members of the Supreme Court decided to mind other people’s business and reverse Roe v. Wade, essentially taking away a woman’s constitutional right to decide if she wants to endure a potentially life-threatening condition: pregnancy. I say other people’s business because look at the SC – none of them are candidates for an abortion.

The first time I wrote about this was for informational purposes. This time is to ask, “What the fck?” And I mean that in the most sincere way. I’m just so confused as to how and why we got here? Leave it to Mississippi to be the state that started this entire ordeal. However, one should note that conservatives have tried for the longest to chip away at women’s uterus’s constitutional rights. And Congratulations (un)Supreme Court: You finally did it! And now that we have that out the way, you can begin to stand on the responsibilities that come with minding ANOTHER MF’S BUSINESS! Welfare the women that you require to have children, please. I’ll wait. 🙄


To the people who are like, “I don’t give a damn what a woman does. This is not my business.” You’re right! It’s not! And we are glad to have forward-thinking people such as yourself in the world.


To the people who are like, “I’m a Christian. I’ve fasted and prayed for these days. We are finally seeing the hand of God.”

Matthew 7:1 – and no, I’m not writing it out because since you’re so holy, you should know it!
Matthew 7:5
John 8:7
Romans 14: 1-12 (with particular attention paid to verse 12)
I could go on & on, but you get the picture. Concern yourselves with YOUR sins; I’m sure there’s more than enough material there.


To the men who don’t support abortion, there are ways for you to help that no one seems to be talking about: DO NOT EJACULATE IN A WOMAN OF CHILDBEARING AGE. DO NOT HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH A WOMAN OF CHILDBEARING AGE.


To those members of the SC: See the following tweet. I have nothing to add.



To those who support a woman’s right to choose and would like to help: Here’s a good place to start.


To the supremacists seeking to remain in power: Your days are still numbered, honey. This ruling ain’t gone hit how you thought it would. Call in reinforcements.


To the ignorant who are anti-abortion but PRO-cops killing blacks: Black people are resilient. This ruling will not affect us – though you knew that already. We carried our babies and the master’s babies too, and we will be alright. Turn your attention to the demographic necessary to birth the children you’re most concerned with – they will need all the help they can get in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.


To black women: We can survive anything. We’re time-tested and approved. And Roe v. Wade being overturned won’t be any different! Love & Hugs! And Rights!